Membership Directory - Corporate

Brandon Trading (Shanghai) Ltd.


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Activities in China: We are team of talented, energetic experts who come together to offer solutions that exceed our customers’ expectations. Brandon designs, develops and distributes Brand Merchandise and Retail Support to strengthen our customer's brand value and revenues. Headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden with offices in Stockholm, Turin and Shanghai, Brandon utilizes its global structure when working with some of the biggest names in the business. This includes: Volvo, PUMA, Intersport, Saint Laurent, Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Jeep, to name a few. Established in 1987. We leverage our vast network of sourcing and distribution channels in order to find the best solution for each client’s unique needs. While our roots are based in Sweden, our operations are truly global, as highlighted by Brandon’s distribution channels on all five continents and delivering to more than 120+ countries. Our connection with PUMA means we have some of the best contacts in the business, allowing us to achieve the best results at the best prices. We’ve been doing this for almost 25 years and have the same passion and energy today as we had on the day we started our business. Guided by our expertise and enthusiasm, we make sure your brand communicates its values in the most efficient way we know – by seamlessly integrating our two distinctive business units in order to reach out and resonate to the core of your customers. BRAND MERCHANDISE - You give us the brand, we give you the products, when and how you want them.We designs, develops and distributes Brand Merchandise that strengthen our customer’s brand value and revenues. RETAIL SUPPORT - Create a centralized, lean and cost efficient solution of all your in store material. We are a full-service provider for in-store materials, a one stop shop, who creates a simple, cost-effective, time-saving solution, which gives you control over spending's. Please follow us! Contact us via our employees on LinkedIn or
City: Available to Members
Office Phone: Available to Members
Available to Members
Business Line: Advertising, Branding and Marketing, Trade promotion
Address in English: Available to Members
Address in Chinese: Available to Members


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