Membership Directory - Corporate

R&G Global Consultants (Greater China)


Company Website Address:
Activities in China:  R&G Global Consultants is the international business excellence company to accelerate your business results by improving operational performance, optimizing supply chains and implementing change. We demonstrated results in Enabling Growth, Cost Productivity, Quality Improvement, Service, Working Capital Reduction, Reliability, & Sustainability. Our hands-on senior consultants have successfully completed more than 700 programs and projects at 150+ major companies in a variety of manufacturing industries, wholesale, retail and service businesses. Our clients value our data-driven approach as well as our focus on co-creation. Our extensive experience in change management leads generally to 10-30% improvement in processes and performance. In China, we have actively contributed in helping our customers to improve their Equipment Utilization rate using our Stable Ops methodology which subsequently reduce their operating cost leading towards higher profitability. Using IDEX approach & RCCA technique, we analyze the production processes data to minimize Non-Value Add & Waste Time eventually making a significant Improvement of Production Capacity without the need for CAPEX investment.
City: Available to Members
Office Phone: Available to Members
Available to Members
Business Line: Consulting (Management, Sales, etc.)
Company Name in Chinese: 艾恩杰(大中华区)全球咨询顾问公司
Address in English: Available to Members
Address in Chinese: Available to Members


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