Announcement of the new Election Committee of SwedCham China


Dear Members,

We wish you all had a restful and invigorating October Holiday!

As was communicated at the AGM in May this year, the 2023 -2024 Election Committee transmitted their resignation due to other commitments. The Chamber would like to thank the Committee which was composed of Andreas Björk, Ola Källqvist, and Felicia Lindoff for their dedicated work to find the best representatives of the members for the Board of the Chamber as well as the Committees in Beijing and Shanghai. We are grateful for their efforts.

Due to the short time frame, it was not possible to elect a new Election Committee at the AGM, but we are pleased to announce that following a nomination process and an election by the members present at the AGM, a new Election Committee has been elected. The members are:

Mr. Mats Harborn

Mr Harborn is Head of Traton China and a veteran in China during the past several decades. In addition Mr Harborn has been Chairman of Swedcham between 2005-2013 and as well as President of the European Chamber of Commerce between 2017-2019, with a unparalleled understanding of the Sweden-China business environment and a wide network. Mr Harborn is based in Beijing.

Mrs. Juliette Xue Lascoux

Mrs Xue Lascoux is the Managing Director of SEB Shanghai, a leading Scandinavian bank. Mrs Xue Lascoux was born and grew up in China and studied in Sweden and subsequently spent over 25 years with SEB working in Stockholm and Asia and has a strong network with Swedish corporates in China. Mrs Xue Lascoux is based in Shanghai.

Mr. John Kollander

Mr Kollander is the Chief Representative of Stena in China, a family-owned enterprise in Sweden with multiple segments of business, including Shipping, Transportation, Real Estate and Finance. 

We congratulate the new Committee and wish them all the success with their new responsibilities. Please feel free to contact the Election Committee should you be interested in running for any of the leadership positions of the Chamber.

I would also like to thank our Vice Chair Tony Wang for all his work chairing the AGM and also leading the process of nomination and election of the new Election Committee and also Jonatan Chang who has provided excellent support in the process.


Peter Ling-Vannerus


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China