AP&T has been developing high-performing production solutions for the sheet metal forming industry for over 50 years. Today we are a global player that focuses on sustainable solutions for customers in a wide range of industries. Our headquarters, development activities and most of our production are located in Sweden, while we have sales and service representation all over the world. Our philosophy is, quite simply, to be where our customers are. Our global presence gives us more in-depth understanding of our customers’ businesses, which means we can more easily satisfy their needs for complete solutions, products and services. AP&T has been part of Fairford Holdings since 2009.

AP&T 位于瑞典乌尔里瑟港,自2009年起,成为Fairford集团的一员!50多年来,始终致力于为金属板材成形行业研发高效、可持续的生产解决方案。如今,我们的业务已遍及全球,销售和服务代表处也已遍布世界各地。这使我们能更深入地了解客户,更容易地满足客户对完整解决方案、产品及服务的需求。我们的理念是:客户在哪里,我们就在哪里。


AP&T provides metal and fiber forming industries worldwide with advanced production systems and stand-alone automation, servohydraulic presses, and heat treatment equipment. Being the technology leader in selected niches, we focus on sustainable production systems offering the highest customer value and lifetime performance.



In image-20221012115120-3our commitment to make our customers successful we act as One Responsible Partner® – supplying you with the competence, products and services needed to reach sustainable profitability and peace of mind.



Over the past few years, AP&T’s product range has developed in line with Industry 4.0, and several sensations have been launched. The company’s unique process technology for hot forming of aluminum parts received the 2017 Altair Enlighten Award. A new type of servo hydraulic press with high performance and exceptionally low energy consumption was also introduced. AP&T continues to make new cooperation initiatives for product development, production and sales around the world. To make our customers more competitive in the global market.

多年来,AP&T始终遵循工业4.0的发展趋势来研发产品,并成功推出多款市场反响强烈的产品。我们独有的铝热成形加工工艺曾荣获2017年Altair Enlighten奖;此外,AP&T还推出一款高性能、低能耗的全新伺服液压机。未来,我们将继续在全球各地开展新型合作项目,推动产品研发、生产和销售,使我们的客户在全球市场中更具竞争力。

Posted By:AP&T (Shanghai) Automation, Press and Tooling Trade Co., Ltd